Thursday, 28 February 2013


A few months back I broke my leg but with the FLAME Fest I feel rejuvenated to work again. Climbing up and down the steps of the buildings despite the excruciating pain, working till late in the night all feels nostalgic. The last few months in FLAME seem to go by soooo quickly. You never know how fast time goes by until you look at the dates and how much longer you have left to stay here. At this point it feels like I have only one goal and that is to live in each moment.

Dhvani Kothari
Flame School of Communication 

Tuesday, 26 February 2013

So what if there is no official holiday declared?

With FLAME Fest practices going on till 4 and 6 am and students turning up at classes sleep deprived and red eyed the teachers are being more than considerate by leaving class a little early and extending the assignment deadlines. All this to make sure that FLAME Fest goes smoothly and so that our grades are not affected by the lack of sleep! What more could we ask for?

By Nikita Nilekani
FLAME School of Communication


"Hello" is the word used when we greet people and the question which arises after greeting a person  is what is your name  or  where you are from ???When you tell them i am from Tamil Nadu or Kerala or Karnataka or Andhra Pradesh  and they would reply saying "Oh he is from South India ". People have to get it right that the people from South India are from South Indian but South India is not a state but consists of 4 different states which have different Languages .So ya, people from the south belong to different state and not south India!!!
Vignesh Nathan

flame fest practice

flame fest practice has taken a huge turn and every body is participating in each and different events happening in  flame. people are being working on lots of events and all the groups are dedicated in their practice. students of flame are very excited to see (grand) flame fest competition. all the participates are working very hard to win each and every events in which they have participated........there are 7 groups created for flame fest:1. crack jacks2. bunnies unchained3. socially awkward spartans4. spider piggy5. janams trollers6. bakras team 7. victorious secretthis groups have finished their flashmob and this event was a great success. flame students are actually responding and watching the flashmob which are being posted on youtube and facebook.we would like you guys to be there during flame fest........   there are 7 groups created for flame fest:1. crack jacks2. bunnies unchained3. socially awkward spartans4. spider piggy5. janams trollers6. bakras team 7. victorious secretthis groups have finished their flashmob and this event was a great success. flame students are actually responding and watching the flashmob which are being posted on youtube and facebook.we would like you guys to be there during flame fest........   

Practice Till you Study

With the FLAME Fest just around the corner practice sessions have taken top priority from assignments. The students are getting down to battle so is the competition starting to heat up. With multiple events taking place over the week and one person participating in at least two events secrecy has gone up and the suspense that is building up has only created more thrill amongst the FLAME community. Events are being looked forward to by not only the students but also the faculty and staff members. The most intriguing aspect of the Fest is that unlike the last few years, this time we have teams that have equal skill sets and have access to social networking - Flame Fest 2013 - making the competition even and at the same time fiercer. This year’s FLAME Fest is definitely going to be rock the campus


By Dhvani Kothari and Nikita Nilekani
FLAME SCHOOL of Communication



The event brings the entire community of FLAME together every year.  It brings out their creative and competitive sides. The students are split into 7 different teams  –  Crack Jack, Spider Piggy, Victorous Secrets, Bunny Unchained, Socially awkward Spartans, Team Baker and the Trollers. The events and activities are again brought and created by the students of FLAME.
The Fest is going to be fun, crazy and colorful! The Fest brings in students of different schools together for a month in preparing for the Fest. In this Fest we even see those students who generally are not active in different events in FLAME participating in the FLAME FEST. This Fest also brings the undergraduates and Post graduates to work together and get to know each other better.  During the practice sessions we students can make new friends, make our social group or network larger.
The Fest has events like Variety, Group Dance, Duet Dance, Literacy events and Brand events, Flash mob, and many more.  So many different events show how creative the students of FLAME are. With the help of these event we can see students who good at something which we never knew about.
The FLAME FEST started from 19th February to 1st March 2013! Come watch it to know more about the FLAME FEST and see our Creative Teams!!
 We Take Pride In Being Random!
#PiggyFlash Mr. Vyas' Dance Escapade
 CS match 1 - Crack Jacks wins against Bunnies Unchained by 14-4!!!!! Keep it up guys!!!!! Go Crack Jacks!!!!!!

Posted by:
Maya Chandrashekaran
FLAME Communication School

Tripping on Trains

It's that time of year again, where we celebrate everything that is outstanding in film. The Oscars were particularly entertaining. Maybe because Jennifer Lawrence tripped on her gown while accepting her Best Actress Award? Possibly because Hugh Jackman showed himself to be a true gentleman and rushed forward to help her... Or even better, Lawrence herself laughed and then promptly FORGOT all about it. Although perhaps the best bit of all- was that the rest of the world didn't forget. How amazing is this woman?

Post by Megha Thumbunkel
FLAME School of Communication

FLAME FEST, Flash mob by trollers ki trolley with the BAL BHAVAN kids was to promote and spread awareness for Right to Education for the under privileged kids. The Flash mob was organized at FLAME to break the stress, get all involved and have fun. 

Collision Courses

Cultural Studies met Film Critique today for me, in a banter about Django Unchained (Quentin Tarantino). Do we love Tarantino's daring, his astounding nerve? Or do we cringe at the stream of curses, the re enactment of a KKK meeting? While Tarantino succeeds once again in portraying an unattainable fantasy (a black cowboy who avenges every hurt, AWESOME); he, as a white man, also forces a recollection of that very real hurt. As a Tarantino and underdog fan though, I cannot say that anything about his film made me feel like it was less of a masterpiece, even if it did make me want to forgo lunch.

Post by Megha Thumbunkel
FLAME School of Communication

Flashmobs; lets kick up a storm with the Crack Jacks!

FLAME Fest 2013 brings to you exciting flash mob performances by various groups in the student body. whether you want to be next to a shimmying bunny or a silly spartan or a crumping crack jack....

Crack Jacks represent.....CJ...CJ...CJ...

Monday, 18 February 2013

"NOW 2013" ignites at FLAME...

Flame School of Communication announces the "New Options for the World" (NOW) seminar 2013. The three day affair will begin on February 19th, 2013. Meet renowned guest speakers and the students of FLAME as they debate "INDIA: A Functioning Anarchy?".
Avinash Dharmadhikari
Dileep Padgaonkar
Jayant Umranikar