The event brings the entire community of FLAME together every year. It brings out their creative and competitive sides. The students are split into 7 different teams – Crack Jack, Spider Piggy, Victorous Secrets, Bunny Unchained, Socially awkward Spartans, Team Baker and the Trollers. The events and activities are again brought and created by the students of FLAME.
The Fest is going to be fun, crazy and colorful! The Fest brings in students of different schools together for a month in preparing for the Fest. In this Fest we even see those students who generally are not active in different events in FLAME participating in the FLAME FEST. This Fest also brings the undergraduates and Post graduates to work together and get to know each other better. During the practice sessions we students can make new friends, make our social group or network larger.
The Fest has events like Variety, Group Dance, Duet Dance, Literacy events and Brand events, Flash mob, and many more. So many different events show how creative the students of FLAME are. With the help of these event we can see students who good at something which we never knew about.
The FLAME FEST started from 19th February to 1st March 2013! Come watch it to know more about the FLAME FEST and see our Creative Teams!!

Posted by:
Maya Chandrashekaran
FLAME Communication School

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