Do you think that
there should be a minimum qualification to be a journalist?
power comes great responsibility”. This idiom holds true to almost every field
of life and journalism is no exception. Media has a great ethical
responsibility towards the country and its people which must be emphasized today,
when facts and communication play a vital role in the development of citizens'
personal attitudes and the growth of society and democratic life. A
journalist's occupation consists of rights and obligations, freedom and
responsibilities. The main principle of any ethical contemplation of journalism
is - a clear distinction must be drawn between data, news and views, so as to
not mislead the people. News is information about facts and data, while
opinions convey thoughts, ideas, views, beliefs or value judgments on the part
of media firms, publishers or journalists.
broadcasting must be built on honesty, which should be ensured by the
appropriate means of verification and proof, and fairness in presentation,
description and narration. Rumor must not be mistaken with news. News headlines
and summaries must reflect as closely as possible the substance of the facts
and data presented. Expression of opinions may demand thoughts or comments on
general ideas or remarks on news relating to actual incidents. Although views
are necessarily subjective and therefore cannot and should not be made subject
to the standard of truthfulness, we must ensure that opinions are expressed in
honest and ethical ways.
taking the form of comments on events or actions relating to persons or organizations
should not attempt to deny or hide the reality of data.
Hence, I believe that journalists should require
minimum qualification and certification. It should not be an exception. Journalism
has become a field that requires people to have a strong grasp of technology. Journalism schools should aim polishing people
who have the required language, knowledge and loyalty. Being a journalist is
like walking on thin ice one has to be careful and sensitive about the news he
presents. Journalism minimum qualification should be made mandatory for
Rachaita Vyas
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