Monday, 15 April 2013


"Color is fun, color is just plain gorgeous, a gourmet meal for the eye, the window of the soul." - Rachel Wolf.
Color subjectivists claim that, despite appearances to the contrary, the world external to the mind is colorless. However, in giving an account of color perception, subjectivists about the nature of perceived color must address the nature of perceived spatial location as well. The argument here will be that subjectivists’ problems with coordinating the metaphysics of perceived color and perceived location render color perception implausibly mysterious. Consequently, some version of color realism, the view that colors are (physical, dispositional, functional, sui generis, or some other) properties of physical objects, is correct.
We are over 7 billion people living in a color-drenched world. In comparison to that there are one million colors that the human eye can distinguish. Color is a function of the human visual system. It is not an intrinsic property of an object. Our eyes allow us to see the colors that surround us so completely. In today’s world, we live life Technicolor. Colors form a much bigger part of us than we realize. Right from picking out our clothes in the morning to looking at every single hoarding and poster we pass, colors have become an element that we take for granted. It is almost impossible now to think of watching a movie in black and white when Apple has come out with laptop screens that have displays as clear as our very own retinas.
            Having said all that, color, in essence is a phenomenon in physics and can be defined as “the property possessed by an object of producing different sensations on the eye as a result of the way it reflects or emits light.”[1] Of all the wavelengths of light that there are, our eyes can only see a small portion. A typical human eye responds to light that ranges from approximately 390 to 750 nm.[2] It is in this tiny portion that all the colors become visible to the human eye. Every color has a different wavelength of light assigned in the unit of nanometres. The order of colors in light, arranged from the shortest to the longest form what is known as the visible spectrum of light. In addition, every color has its own hues and shades. Companies that manufacture paint have enormous books with every shade of color that is imaginable.
            Colors can be categorized into 3 groups – primary, secondary and tertiary. The primary colors are red, blue and yellow. The secondary colors are the ones formed by mixing two or more of these colors. For example, mixing red and blue gives one violet while mixing blue and yellow results in green. Tertiary colors are formed by mixing one primary and one secondary color or two secondary colors. Mixing yellow and green leaves one with lime green. Each color mixed in varying proportions gives a different outcome. More red than blue in a mixture give red violet while more blue give a blue violet. They can also be classified as cool or warm colors. Colors like yellow, red, orange and pink fall under the category of warm colors while blue, green, purple and gray are cool colors.
            The phenomenon of color has been long observed not only in physics but in psychology as well. Studies have shown that every color has become symbolic of an emotion or an abstract concept. Colors influence our choices, the way we feel and even the way we think. They can be used to calm us down or to grab out attention. One experiment showed that in a room colored in red light, time was overestimated while in green or blue light, time was underestimated.  In another study, workers lifting black boxes complained they were too heavy; but when the boxes were painted green they felt lighter.[3] Highlighters are brightly colored so that one can easily find the text that is important. Pastel colors are used in offices to keep help reduce stress in the environment. The brain also takes time to develop and to be able to identify all the colors on the spectrum. Hence, children’s books are usually illustrated with bold, bright colors when they are just learning. They do not learn names like lavender, crimson and emerald green until later in their education. For them, primary and secondary colors are their only vocabulary.
            Innumerable studies have been done in the field of psychology to test and come to a definiteness of which color represents and is associated with which emotion or which abstract construct. The following are the most popular conclusions on the subject:
1.      Red – action, passion, energy, power, desire, love, courage, hunger.
2.      Blue – intelligence, truth, authority, reliability, confidence, loyalty, trust, wisdom.
3.      Green – growth, relaxation, fertility, nature, luck, healing, youth.
4.      Yellow – energy, optimism, happiness, caution, warmth, vision, light.
5.      Pink – nurture, warmth, feminity, love, sexuality, grace, positivity.
6.      Orange – competition, excitability, force, success, encouragement, determination, vitality.
7.      Purple – royalty, respectability, magic, mysticism, spirituality, romance, imagination.
8.      Brown – receptivity, sensuality, earth, 
9.      Black – professionalism, elegance, formality, death, sorrow.
10.  White – light, goodness, purity, innocence, virginity, sorrow.
              As shown above, colors do have certain meaning to it like we assume red is for love, desire or passion and then white is for purity, goodness or liking. In marketing they choose the colors of their logos based on the meaning associated with the color and the kind of message they want to convey to their target audience. Banks usually go for logos which contain dark blues or greys. These shades reflect stability and dependability and hence are deemed appropriate for banks. The McDonalds logo has a red background with the trademark yellow M. Studies conducted on the color red in particular showed that it not only stood for hunger but was also known to elicit hunger responses.
              Without the appropriate use of color in marketing, the product will fail to sell as the people won’t be attracted to the product and demand for it will gradually go lower. People show less liking to the product when a darker shade is used. Sometimes when people look at dull shades of color, they feel that the product and not worth buying it since it has faded out. So their liking of the product will decrease. We also see that some paint colors are used for specific purposes. For example pink is used to paint the room of when a girl is born into the family or blue for the baby boy’s room. Lighter shades make even small rooms look bigger. An experiment conducted by psychologists showed that loud noises were perceived as being louder in a red room than in a white room. This reflects on the ability of colors to subconsciously manipulate our surrounding to create an illusion of less or more.
Looking at the way the mind has been conditioned to see objects in particular color, we can say that people would prefer seeing those objects in that particular color only. By this principle, it seems that people begin to dislike logos and products if the colors are changed. For example when we show the McDonald symbol M which is actually in yellow and we change the M color into green people will start disliking it and may not even want go to that place even though they may like the food. On the other hand, surveys showed that when the packaging of certain products like Vaseline was changed from the traditional light blue to a darker shade, their sales increased.
Studies in marketing have shown that, the colors for logos, billboards, paper ads, product packagings are very carefully chosen and they are very seldom changed. Companies use certain colors to get our attention so such an extent that people associate those certain shades with only that product or company. Tiffany’s and Co. trademarked the shade of blue that was used in their boxes because it became so popular. When logos are made, the company’ first choice is to use primary or secondary colors’. They use bright colors which can be easily associated with the brand and successfully get the buyers’ attention. We see the colors red, orange, green and blue popularly used in restaurants and fast food franchises. Red is usually used for non-vegetarian food chains like KFC, Pollo Campero and Venky’s. But even though places like Subway serve non vegetarian food, the green of the logo makes it primarily known for its vegetarian selection.
Although these studies have proven that there is certainly a relationship between colors and emotions, it remains debateable whether these relationships are chosen by each individual or whether they are conditioned to think that way. For example, is it that most women prefer pink over blue or is it because the idea that pink is a ‘girly’ color has been reinforced into their minds ever since they laid eyes on their first doll? Do men actually prefer blue or are they conditioned to think that liking pink will lead them to be called homosexual or metrosexual? The world famous toy store, Hamleys’ was accused of being sexist for gender stereotyping colors by putting up sign boards for the male and female toy sections in baby blue and baby pink respectively.[4] They redesigned the signs to the kind of toys the floor contained instead of the color representing whom the toys were for. This gives children the leeway to explore their own preferences to colors instead of being told what they are automatically supposed to like.
Colors have also been noted as carrying different connotations in different cultures. Hence, marketing strategies need to also be culture oriented at times because use of certain colors for a product may have a completely different meaning in another culture than what was intended. Given below are some cultural differences we see in the meanings of colors:
1)      Red – for the Japanese, it is the national symbol of blood and passion and religious symbol.  The color is for the robes of the second highest Zen Buddhist practises.
For the Chinese a new coat of red for the front door is a traditional New Year’s practise. It is also a symbol of fire, summer, the couth good luck, joy, fertility and fortune even in Hong Kong and Taiwan. It is also a traditional color for Chinese brides.  Red is also associates with Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth and beauty.
2)      Orange – this is used all over Asia used for the robes of monks. Oranges symbolizes happiness and good wealth. It also represents immortality.[5]
3)      Yellow – in China, it is a color of honour. It is reserved for the high priest. In Malaysia, yellow is represents royalty. It is the spring festival in India, by putting yellow color on their body people believe that it bring them good luck, health wealth and many children.[6]
4)      Green – to dream in green is good sign of fortune in China. Green is very important for Muslim. The color signifies the Prophet Muhammad and represents the entire religion. Green is reserved as a special sign of respect and worship in Malaysia and Singapore. In the Irish culture, green is associated with the luck brought by Leprechauns and four-leaved clovers.
5)      Blue – it is color that is surrounds the sea and sky. It is a representative of water in most cultures. It symbolizes the heavens, mercy, love and the mysterious nature of truth.[7]
6)      Purple – in almost all cultures, purple is the color of nobility and royalty. It is associated with wealth and power. In the western culture, lighter shades of purple are also used as spiritual colors.
7)      Brown – color of rich, fertile soil and barks of trees. It is surrounded around us by many ways. In Arab world it means desert and sand.
8)      White – in the Hindu culture, white is a sign of mourning. It is also a color globally associated with peace and surrendering.
9)      Black – in the Christian culture, black is the color of mourning. It is almost consensually associated with darkness.

The Humans with Super Vision - Veronique Greenwood (June, 18th 2012) –
A British scientist is trying to find people who have extraordinary power of sight. In the article she says the some people have a fourth one in which they see different colors than a normal human being is able to see. She says that people have their own personal view and experience with color. And that the people with such powers don’t realize that they have these kinds of powers present in them. This special power of having four cones and ability to see many more color are found mainly in women whereas men have the ability to be more color- blind than see much more color.
There were different studies that were made in monkeys and in humans. They have found 25 women who have this kind of power in their eyes. We also get to know that the women cannot differentiate or compare themselves with the women having normal eyes and the color they can see and much different than usual. The private perception is something everybody is curious about.
Perception of Color by Language – Kerri Smith
In the article we see that two groups are being tested for perception of color. One group is the adult and the other are the 4-5 month old babies. Here we see that there is a target location and we see how long the participant takes to see the target with a colored back ground.
By this test we got to know that adult reacted more quickly and their left hemisphere of the brain processed it fast. Whereas for babies the right hemisphere allowed them process the target.
The article gives examples and test done on how color is perceived with the help of language which is a part of the human’s integral system.
The Wine Dark Sea- Color and Perception in the Ancient World by Erin Hoffman
We see in this article how color is perceived in different ancient cultures like Greek and Japanese. Color is seen through different paintings. They assumption they were only four basic colors present and later that they different colors are present in the nature. We see that color is also used to describe certain things. Like blue is associated with the sky, green for trees.
From the article we see that we relate color according to our time and our perception. and that we have the imaginative capability to perceive color.
Color Perception is not in the Eye f the Beholder: It’s in the Brain
In this article we see that they are explaining how human perceive the world. Even though the color cone differs between human retinas, the perception of color is the same way. We see through the article that neuroscience is proving that the perception of color is controlled by our brains than our eyes. They saw the wavelength of color on each cone and the how it reflects and absorbs and saw how our eye responds to it. They again did test on people wearing colored contact lens and see the color wavelength and how people perceive the color after wearing the colored contact lens. Now they are looking to identify the genetic basis for large variations between retinas.
Perception of Color – Video
The Video tell us how different colors are perceived and have different means to them. It is the way people associate the color with.
Black in the western hemisphere is associated with grieving.
Grey - rock solid product, associate with old age, direction, character
Red - eye looks first, energy, movement and excitement for people. Symbol of life - red blooded life. Associated with love, valentines days and hearts
Blue - most favorite color for people, it brings people to calm down. It is a calming color. People are focused and more productive in a blue colored room.
Green - color of growth, nature and money. Peace, harmony and comfortable nurturing
Yellow- Laughter happiness and good times. People have the feel good felling. Associated with optimism and flames. Babies cry more in bright yellow rooms.
This color helps in marketing.
Orange - flamboyant color on the planet, happy an fun time. Associated with warmth and organic product and also with ambition. New dawn in attitude.
Brown - Associated with reliability, stability and friendship. Color of the earth. Natural and organic
White – Purity absent of color or neutrality. Associate with moaning too in some parts of the world. It is the compression of colors in the color spectrum.

Interviews -  In the interview that have made this how most people perceive colors.
Imagine a world in just one color. Say grey. One looks around you and see the various colors in every single thing. Color makes the difference. Color adds life to everyday life.  I go back in time and see the photos of my parents in black and white. Today photos are shot in black and white, just to create a different effect. Color is now everything! Certain colors have come to be associated with certain things. The meaning or association sometimes changes with the context. A red color while indicating danger in a traffic signal becomes associated with a political party elsewhere. Green is the color of fertility, safety, health, nature. I associate blue with peace and tranquility. While amber tells me to slow down at a signal, white is associated with purity in my mind. I hope to be in the pink of my health always. Sometimes I do go green with envy or red with anger. I try to avoid all black thoughts. People with yellow fever are quarantined.  I've noticed that people in warm or hot climates tend to wear more colorful clothes. For example, people living in the deserts of Rajasthan, dress very colorfully. By contrast, people in most of the Western countries, colder climate, dress more soberly.   You go to a beach and suddenly all around you there is a splash of color. An Indian wedding would be a riot of color while an English wedding would be less so. The bride is typically in white, while in many Indian states white is inauspicious for a wedding. Societies have color coded even children: Blue is for boys and Pink is for girls!  Religion has also given several colors for its followers. We've black, white, saffron, green all associated in different ways.  Colors have come to dominate our lives and are irrevocably tied to us. We've colors influencing our thoughts, actions and perceptions. It ‘be difficult to visualize a blue apple!  We get conditioned to associate certain colors with certain thoughts and responses. While the sight of pristine snow can elevate our spirits, a blank white answer paper can unnerve an anxious student. Interior designers play with colors to create suitable ambience in offices and homes and hospitals. 
 Color is part of our everyday world - clothes, food, objects we have around us. These give us anticipated tastes, build our mood and influence our individual experience of happenings around us.
Different thing that are related with different color
1.      white - purity and peace
2.      green and yellow - freshness, growth, progress
3.      orange -prosperity
4.      red - festive, celebration, auspicious; also blood and gore
5.      blue - cool, water
6.      brown - earthy, rustic
7.      grey - formal
8.      pink - playful
9.      purple - royal
10.  black - uniform
11.  khaki - military
12.  peach, lavender - soft, romantic
How different cultures have perceived color
Red, saffron, yellow - in Indian tradition symbolize auspicious occasions and are very visible during festivals, religious functions
   Black - in most cultures is associated with grim events like death. Exception - Islamic women are invariably wrapped in black
   Grey, brown, white are strongly preferred at work for both men and women in the western world
  White - universally associated with medical professionals like doctors, nurses
   Red - is the code for danger, emergencies, stop
  Green - go forward
  All over the world, except among Africans - men have very poor color preferences or appreciation and this is a traditional trait.  Bright and bold colors are liked and used in some cultures like Indians, Africans, Gypsies in Europe; earthy colors and colors derived from      natural products are used by tribal’s and people close to nature, world over. Subdued colors are worn in western culture.
I have interviewed five people and have taken their way of perceiving color and most have them have the same view point. They have the same difference that they see from our country to the countries in the western hemisphere of the Earth. All of them have color that the associate with word which are again similar. Like when we say red, people assume it be first is love and then some feel it is blood. When a doctor hears or sees the color red, he will immediately relate it to blood and life support than too anything else. After some minutes he may link it to love and hearts. We see that people also wear a specific color for that particular day. Like in Andhra Pradesh some people believe that they must wear a particular color on that day otherwise some bad will happen and they will punished by god. So people have such kind of believes that they follow with color and seriously do what is to be done.
Day of the week
Reason (these colored clothes are wore as they are the dear ones to these gods) this was shown in the tv. It is strictly followed here in Andhra Pradesh
Sai baba

Color in our life plays an important role and special role. Everybody associates color to a particular personal thin that they have in their mind. Color is perceived through the eyes but our brain helps process it and create an association to it. Like for example, for me I love the color of red which I associated to be my favorite color and the color of love and brightness that brings to me. Whereas when I think of the color blue I associated it water and the sky and green color to the nature that is present around. I feel that yellow is associated with flames and fire than anything else. I never thought that yellow color disturbs a baby and the baby cries. Orange for me a bright color which I associate it with the sunset and the day ending to have another beginning for the day after we take a break.. Black is a color that I associate it with evil sprite and a bad omen but I feel that black is also neutral. Whereas white for me is peace and a color that people in the west wear for wedding and people in India or the east wear when somebody dies. Color is basically associated with different thing by different people. It is the way our brain works and we associate it with. Perception of color also brings in emotions that we see on people faces. When people see bright colors they are all happy and cheerful. Where when they see dark and dull color they become sad and they are very dead. Some people when they see dull color, they feel sad and start to cry because they would have associated it with an experience they have had in their life. Like when we took black, people will associate it with evil sprites and thing s not being right in their lives.  Color has different meanings in different religion and cultures over the world. Color gives happiness to people during the festive period of time. Colors are something that will always show some kind of reaction on people faces, it could be positive or negative or neutral reaction on people. Color is something that is something that is important people’s life. People make their own association with color. Perception of color helps in different fields of life and what people study, like it helps in marketing. With color we can associate different brands that are present around us. When we see that particular logo or brand we immediately recognize the color and next when somebody talks about the brand you immediately relate to the color and shape of the logo and remember the brand.

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