Growing up, I had always wondered why people got into media and mass communication. Until recently there had been a strong stereotype among "parents" that their kids can build a strong future only if he or she stuck to medical sciences, law or engineering. There were only a few very lucky bunch of kids who had the so-called "cool" set of mom and dad and were allowed to take up whatsoever they wished to become in their life; me included. But, gradually it has began to change. It is wonderful to see such a large number of youth to be inclined towards this walk of life. Honestly, I believe it "is" the most emerging field of the modern world. I mean, if Jesus were here today do you think he would go around riding a donkey and ask people to follow him. Definitely NOT. He would be taking planes, tweeting, uploading his quotes on Facebook or a few pictures of the last supper, probably a talk on YouTube or maybe a press conference also. My point is, media today has grown so vast that no one can guess its limits. It is being misused, I agree. But, ultimately whoever controls the media, controls the minds of people. The forest fire can go on and on, but it is upon us to stop it where it must be stopped.
Remember, all media exist to invest our lives with arbitrary values and artificial perceptions.

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