Issues in India
Political Issues in India:
major political issues that concern Indians, especially during election time
demanding more economical and social rights
wanting more autonomy for their cultures within the Indian states
demanding autonomous states within the Indian Union
demanding independence from India.
in India
the time of independence only 12% of the Indian population was literate.
According to the 1991 census there literacy rate was 52%, meaning that over
half a billion people were literate. Literacy rate among the urban population
is higher than among the villagers. It is also higher among the men than among
the women. The literacy rate among the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes is
lower than in the general population.
government provides education at the primary level, but not all Indians get the
opportunity to go to school. There are many sources for funding and depending
on the funding level schools range from schools without buildings to schools
with all of the hi-tech facilities.
to researchers in the 1980s about one-third of Indians study or studied in
schools that have English as the medium of instruction. This number continued
to climb through the 1990’s and into the 2000’s. For many, English is in many
senses their first language and it is easier for them to read, write and even
communicate in English than any other language. This makes India the second
largest English speaking country in the world after the USA.
disputes with Pakistan disrupt into violence and have been the root cause of
wars since Independence from Britain was attained in 1947. When Independence
was granted Pakistan became a separate country, but there have continually been
disputes over which country claims ownership over the area called Jammu &
Kashmir. This issue is still a source of friction between the neighbouring
nations. Watch your newspaper for the current state of this issue.
problems are a serious concern in India. With factory emissions and cars
polluting the air, farming chemicals affecting the soil and water, and garbage
from over a billion people who are increasingly using “disposable” products,
the issue of pollution is growing bigger and bigger. New Delhi is considered
one of the most polluted cities in the world.
of the main political issues in Indian politics is connected to the language
problem. After India’s independence the government decided the official
language of India was to be Hindi. Hindi has at least 13 different dialects and
is the most commonly spoken language in India.
the other language speakers of India, the decision to choose Hindi as the
official language was seen as an attempt to erase their cultures. After
different struggles – political, violent and passive – the central government
decided to allow the state governments to pick their official languages and
recognized constitutionally other languages of India. For now the Indian
constitution recognizes 18 Indian languages. The Indian constitution also
declares that English can be used for official purposes.
in India
a firmly entrenched patriarchy in place, gains in the status of women have
often been slow in coming and painful in achieving.
major source of concern in India is the failure to create strong social
sanctions against violent men. A recent survey by the International Institute
for Population Studies showed that an astonishing 56% of Indian women believed
wife beating to be justified in certain circumstances. The reasons varied from
going out without the husband's permission to neglecting the house or children
to cooking a bad meal. At least 20% of married women between the ages of 15 and
49 experience physical domestic violence in India, many on a continual basis.
This number is likely unreported as families are rarely supportive of a women’s
choice to leave an abusive situation and there are no laws in India that deal
specifically with domestic violence. Aside from physical and sexual violence,
emotional and economic violence are also prevalent.
Women’s Courts have been set up to mediate and adjudicate on behalf of women.
The formal courts are often inaccessible, costly and unwilling to hear cases of
intimidated women living in poverty. Many of the Women’s Court officers are
barely literate but they have learned about the law, its implications and
limitations. Their dockets are crowded with cases of women seeking help and
justice. They hear, mediate and adjudicate cases of divorce, fights between
women and their mothers-in-law, complaints about drunkenness, domestic
violence, rape, dowry extortion, maintenance for abandoned or divorced women,
inheritance, and mis-treatment of widows and the elderly. The courts' successes
depend upon the respect of the parties and the parties' willingness to accept
its authority.
in India is a very real and very complex issue. In 2000 it was estimated that
26% of India’s population was living below their national poverty line. While
this is an improvement from the 1950’s figure of over 50% living in poverty,
there are still well over 250 million people for whom poverty is a way of life
in India.
in particular are detrimentally affected by poverty. For those affected by
poverty, problems such as malnutrition, child labour and high mortality rates
are very real issues faced daily. Although India contains fewer than 20% of the
world child population, more than 40% of the world’s malnourished children are
found there. Girls are more often negatively affected than boys as gender
inequality is also a very real fact of life in India.
labour is a significant problem in India where it is estimated that between 75
and 90 million children under 14 are working. The jobs they perform are often
difficult and low-paying, but their wages are needed to help provide food or
shelter for their families. By being required to work at such young ages, these
children are often prevented from receiving an education and getting out of the
cycle of poverty.
Rachaita Vyas
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