Monday, 29 April 2013

Should there be a minimum qualification to be a journalist?

Should there be a minimum qualification to be a journalist?


“Mahatma Gandhi was considered as one of the most prolific journalist, although he had no
qualification in journalism “

- Girish NIkam, Rajya sabha TV.

According to me, I am against the notion that a paper qualification is required for an individual
to qualify as a journalist. Journalism is like art where we need to possess integrity, enthusiasm,
character, courage and curiosity for serving millions of masses dedicatedly and according to me,
all these characteristics cannot be inculcated in an individual in the closed walls of a class. It’s
a well-known fact that a person tends to learn more when he is thrown into a practical world
rather than a theoretical world, the mantra is same for journalism. HK Dua said he got more
insight about journalism while working than in the premier institute where he studied.

When the PCI is keen in setting up a minimum qualification for the journalists, then why not
for the media barons too? Why not for the owner of various newspapers, magazines and media
houses? The benchmark should be set from the grassroots level. A journalist who is under
qualified is a loophole in the working of the media oriented global village, then the contribution
of prominent journalist like BG Varghese (Hindustan Times) and Nikhil Chakravarty should be
disregarded as vain and vogu?.

Mr Katju in his statement mentioned that like lawyers, teachers and doctors, a journalist should
possess a degree or diploma. Is it mandatory? Nani Palkivala in those days defied the myth
that, to be termed as a veteran or successful lawyer one should have a barrister degree. Later,
he went on to be termed as ‘The Courtroom Genius’. In many colleges in rural India, many
professors do not have a Doctorate degree (PHD) but still they impart knowledge to their
seekers. Then why it is preposterous when it comes to journalism?

Every coin has two faces, likewise every statement as a pro and a corn. When a paradigm shift
takes place it gives us an opportunity to pour in our insight, so these are my views regarding the

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